March 23, 2011


Posted in anthropology, intimacy, Love, Men, Relationships, romance, sociology, Uncategorized, Women at 7:00 pm by From Date To Mate

Vaughn Bryant Jr., professor and head of the anthropology department at Texas A&M, said in a Chicago Tribune article that the first erotic kiss was exchanged about 1500 B.C. in India. Bryant also said that rubbing and pressing noses together, a no-tongues exchange between lovers, became popular about 1500 B.C..

It was the Romans who unleashed the kiss, as we know it today. Romans kissed each other hello, kissed the robes and rings of their leaders and kissed statues of Roman gods to signify their submission and respect. The Romans soon discovered that a kiss has many meanings and assigned words for these different types of kisses, such as osculum meaning friendship kiss, basium meaning passionate kiss, and savium meaning deep kiss, otherwise known as the French kiss. After the advent of the French Kiss, kissing encountered grave opposition from religious sectors who condemned it a venial sin. Despite opposition the kiss has triumphantly endured! And it remains one of the sweetest pleasures, and one of the most diverse expressions of affection known to mankind.

Darlene Turner

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