September 5, 2012

Women: Promiscuity in our Current Culture

Posted in advice, anthropology, attraction, chemistry, depression, dysfunctional, health, Men, physiology, psychology, self-esteem, Sex, sociology, Women at 9:25 pm by From Date To Mate

Young girls and women today openly display their sexuality like never before.We live in a culture where people are all too willing to shamelessly objectify themselves, and sexually exploit others. Sexual antics that may have shocked us twenty years ago seem benign and passe by today’s standards. Twenty years ago no one wanted to be branded “the school slut”, a cultural tone that was reflected in films, T.V. shows, and in crafted teen celebrity images of the time. Back then the only divide between good girls and bad girls was having sex, good girls didn’t (at least with multiple partners) and bad girls did. Today’s definition of being a bad girl, as exemplified on the show “Bad Girls Club”, are those who drink like sailors and brawl like men. Sex isn’t even very relevant in the equation, unless it is Jerry Springer Show-like in nature. While separating the negative label of “bad girl” from having sex, and allowing women enjoy and explore their sexuality is definitely a positive cultural evolution, each step forward seems to be equally tempered by one misguided step back. For instance, in the 70′s the X-rated film “Deep Throat” caused such public outrage it was put on trial in courts all across America for obscenity, and banned in many regions, whereas nowadays, we make celebrities out of privileged girls with “leaked” sex tapes. Have we lost the ability to discern between sexual empowerment and sexual exploitation?

So much of what feminists before us fought for in terms of equal human rights and empowerment of female sexuality seems to have gotten lost in translation along the way. For many women having the same equal human rights as men has been confused with emulating detrimental male behaviors, such as heavy drinking, physical fighting, and sexual promiscuity. While the notion of randomly bedding guys may seem like the equalizer for a woman to own her sexuality, such behaviors often have negative emotional repercussions, which women seldom talk about. When it comes to having sex we all know about the risk of pregnancy we take, and the chance of exposure to an STD, which women are more susceptible to contract, but no one ever talks to women about the emotional risks. Sexually, women are wired to be serial monogamists. I remember once in a lecture by the renowned biological anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher her warning women about the high risks and perils of casual sex, not from a moral stance, but an emotional and physiological one. It was the first time I had ever heard someone speak about this topic without tying their reasoning to socially imposed judgements, or feminist entitlement, but rather simply to unbiased biological facts.

In their book “Premarital Sex in America” sociologists, Mark Regnerus and Jeremy Uecker, examined the sexual behavior of young adults.Their research found a significant correlation between sexual restraint and emotional well-being, between monogamy and happiness, and between promiscuity and depression.They discovered that this correlation is much stronger for women than for men. Emotional well-being seems to be tightly bound to sexual stability in women.This may in part explain why overall female happiness has spiraled downward since the sexual revolution.

The happiest women in Regnerus and Uecker study, were those with a current sexual partner and only one or two partners in their lifetime. Virgins they noted were almost as happy, though not quite. A young woman’s likelihood of depression rose steadily as her number of partners increased and the stability of her sex life diminished.It is no surprise that a feature of Borderline Personality Disorder in women is promiscuity, which lends to instability and subsequent depression.

As women we need to ask ourselves where our worth resides? What does sexual empowerment and ownership of our sexuality look like? And whether promiscuity hinders or helps our personal progression?

The bottom line is, yes, it is your body, and it is your choice to do with it, and share it with whomever you want. Like Dr. Fisher, I am cautioning you to consider all of the risks, and do so wisely.

Author: Darlene Turner

March 21, 2011

The Health Benefits of Orgasm

Posted in advice, chemistry, desire, health, help, intelligence, intimacy, libido, medical, Men, physiology, Sex, Tips, Uncategorized, Women tagged , , , at 9:05 pm by From Date To Mate

#1 Tissue & Organ Health

Heavy breathing and elevated heart rate during sexual arousal and orgasm help keep tissues and organs healthier by circulating oxygen.

The Health Benefits of Orgasm

#2 Excellent Caloric Burn

Energy expended reaching orgasm burns off more calories per minute than playing tennis.

The Health Benefits of Orgasm

#3 Reduces Cancer & Prostatitis in Men

The latest research from of The Cancer Council Victoria, in Melbourne Australia found that the more men ejaculate between the ages of 20 and 50, the less likely they are to develop prostate cancer. Additional research revealed that regular male orgasm can also help prevent a condition called nonspecific prostatitis, which causes painful urination.

The Health Benefits of Orgasm

#4 Emotional Wellness

The Kinsey report found that sex reduces stress, and that people who have fulfilling sex lives are less anxious, less violent and less hostile.

The Health Benefits of Orgasm

#5 Longevity

A Duke University found that the frequency of sexual intercourse for men was associated with lower death rates, and that the enjoyment of sexual intercourse by women was associated with a longer life span.

The Health Benefits of Orgasm

#6 Heart Health in Women

A study published in Psychosomatic Medicine cited a link between women’s sexual satisfaction and ability to reach orgasm, and the incidence of heart attack. 65% of the women who had heart attacks reported sexual dissatisfaction prior to their occurrence, whereas only 24% of women in the control group reported sexual dissatisfaction, indicating that a failure to reach orgasm may have a negative impact on the health of a woman’s heart.

The Health Benefits of Orgasm

#7 Immunity & Enjoyment

Dr. Ted Mcllvenna, from the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality conducted a study which looked at the sex lives of 90,000 American adults and found that sexually active people take fewer sick leaves and enjoy life more.

According to gynecologist Dr. Dudley Chapman, orgasms boost infection-fighting cells up to 20%. Psychologists at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that students who had regular sexual activity had a third higher levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody which boosts the immune system and can help fight colds and flu.

The Health Benefits of Orgasm

# 8 Migraines

YES, tonight dear! I have a headache! A study conducted at the South Illinois School of Medicine found that having an orgasm can cure migraines. Many participants in this study reported either considerable or complete relief after an orgasm.

The Health Benefits of Orgasm

# 9 Semen Reduces Depression in Women.

Research indicates that semen, which contains mood altering hormones can actually reduce depression in women through its absorption in the vagina. This finding was evidenced in a study conducted by Gordon Gallup, a psychologist at the State University of New York.

The Health Benefits of Orgasm

#10 The Fountain of Youth

According to research done by David Weeks, a clinical neuropsychologist at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, regular orgasms make you look younger. Weeks found that making love three times a week while in a content relationship can make you look up to 10 years younger!

The Health Benefits of Orgasm

#11 Fertility

Vaginal contractions during female orgasm draws up semen promoting fertility.

The Health Benefits of Orgasm

#12 Testosterone and Estrogen

Regular sexual activity and orgasm increases levels of testosterone and estrogen, which helps strengthen bones and muscles in men, keeps vaginal tissue suppler in women, as well as protects against osteoporosis, while providing protection against heart disease for genders.

The Health Benefits of Orgasm

#13 Increases Pain Threshold

As previously reported in my segments on the the health benefits of orgasm, studies have shown that an orgasm can significantly reduce if not obliterate a migraine headaches. Now according to research conducted by Beverly Whipple and Barry Komisaruk at Rutgers University it has been discovered that women who have regular orgasms benefit from an increased threshold of pain, helping with conditions ranging from whiplash to arthritis.

The Health Benefits of Orgasm

# 14 Regular Menstrual Cycles

Research done by Dr Winnifred Cutler, a specialist in behavioural endocrinology, indicates that women who have intercourse at least once a week are more likely to have normal menstrual cycles than women who are celibate or who have infrequent sex.

The Health Benefits of Orgasm

# 15 For Women: More Bone Density, Lower Bad Cholesterol, Higher Good Cholesterol, Improved Brain Function.

Dr. Cutler also reports that women who enjoy regular weekly sex have significantly higher levels of oestrogen in their blood than women experiencing either infrequent sex or no sex at all. The benefits of oestrogen include a healthy cardiovascular system, lower bad cholesterol, higher good cholestrol, more bone density, and supple skin. There is also growing evidence that oestrogen is beneficial to brain functioning.

The Health Benefits of Orgasm

# 16 Bolstered DHEA

Another important hormone that seems to be affected by sexual activity is DHEA. Right before orgasm, the level of the hormone DHEA in the body spikes to several times higher than normal. DHEA is believed to improve brain function, balance the immune system, help maintain and repair tissue, promote healthy skin, and possibly improve cardiovascular health.

Imagine the reduction in heart disease, urological disorders, cancers, depression, stress, and increase in longevity there would be if we truly valued the vast benefits of orgasm as nourishment for the heart, mind, and soul. If we began each day with an exquisite orgasm the world would be a far happier, healthier more harmonious place.

February 10, 2011

6 Things You Need to Know That Skew Attraction

Posted in attraction, chemistry, Communication, Dating, depression, health, intimacy, Love, Men, ovulation, psychology, Relationships, romance, Sex, success, Tips, Uncategorized, Women tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 7:45 pm by From Date To Mate


1)   This wonder pill which has provided women with reproductive freedom can also wreak reproductive havoc. Infertility has become increasingly more common. One reason for this is the use of the pill. We are instinctively attracted to potential partners whose genetic make up will compliment our own, as well as compensate for whatever genetic weaknesses we might have. This biological mechanism is designed to ensure the best possible health for our offspring. The healthier our offspring are the greater their chance of survival is, which in turn aids to preserve the survival of our species.

The pill alters our body’s chemistry, which skews our innate attraction mechanisms ability to accurately perceive a fitting genetic partner. A skewed ability to detect a genetically complimentary partner can inadvertently lead us to one who is genetically incompatible, thus creating problems with infertility, heightened rates of miscarriages and less healthy offspring.  Additionally, because the pill skews attraction by altering physiological chemistry, when a woman goes off the pill and her chemistry returns to its normal state the dynamic of sexual attraction between she and her partner will become altered as well. Couples may suddenly find themselves inexplicably less physically attracted to one another. Waning sexual attraction will often create conflict, hence negatively impacting a relationship.

Fix: If you are on the pill and considering making a life commitment to a partner that entails having children together opt for an alternate contraceptive. This will allow you to accurately test the biological compatibility of your relationship.


2)   Ovulation has a fascinating altering effect on a woman. It morphs her facial features by enhancing fullness, making her appear more feminine, a signal of fertility to potential mates. Ovulation  will influence a woman to dress in a more provocative, figure flattering way, an unconscious display akin to that of a peacock showing off plumage as a means to allure a mate. Studies have shown that a woman is most likely to have a girls night out, regardless of her relationship status, during ovulation. Ovulation heightens a woman’s sexual desire, making her more prone to one night stands, and straying. Ovulation also alters the type of man a woman finds attractive. When women are not ovulating they tend to prefer men with softer, rounder facial features. Such features signify lower levels of testosterone, which convey to a woman that a man is more apt to be a stable, faithful, nurturing partner and provider. However when a woman ovulates she becomes drawn to men with higher levels of testosterone, with heavier brows, and more angular lined facial bone structure, which convey heightened virility. Ovulation can skew romantic attraction by prompting a woman to act out sexually in way she otherwise would not.  It can also cause a woman to be drawn to, and become involved with  a man who will make a poor choice for a long term partner.

Fix: The best thing a woman can do is remain mindful of her hardwiring, and the driving motivations behind out of the norm sexually impulsive feelings and actions.


3)   Imbibing to excess can cause a toad to turn into a Prince, and an ogre into Princess before your eyes.  Proverbial beer goggles have lead to many coyote syndrome mornings. When you drink the reward areas of the brain known as the nucleus accumbens and ventral striatum, responsible for mediating sexual attraction, become superstimulated by dopamine. This release of dopamine makes you feel really good. Unfortunately it also makes those who otherwise would never strike you as such, appear to look really good. The compromising of cognitive abilities in this specific region of the brain is responsible for why people end up intimately engaged with those they would not normally look at, let alone touch when stone cold sober. Drinking to excess will skew your normal perception of attraction.

Fix: A simple fix is to not drink yourself stupid. It is also advised to be cautious of the company you keep when drinking, or you may well awake in the morning with breeders remorse, or worse.


4)   Ironically sometimes a person who is interested in you romantically will exhibit the exact same signs and signals as someone who is completely disinterested in you romantically. Confusing right? This happens when a person has already counted them self out, by presuming the interest they have in you is not mutual. Much like the baseball player whose game was off the entire season isn’t going to be demonstrating on pins and needles anticipation, awaiting the announcement of the seasons MVP, the person who is convinced they have no chance with you romantically won’t display signals of interest. This presumption effectively kills off any romantic possibility through emitting signals of disinterest.  A D.O.A attitude will cause one  to miss out on potential romantic opportunities.

The Fix: Never put a nail in the coffin of romantic possibility based on presumptions. Stay open minded. A defeatist attitude typically stems from insecurities. It is important to remember not to compare yourself to others. Focus on YOU, and all the positive things you have to offer someone in a relationship. If you do not feel good about yourself take the time to invest in working on your self-esteem.


5)   Studies have shown that our gender impacts our romantic perceptions. Women for instance tend to rate their physical appeal as lower than it actually is, while men on the other hand tend to rate their physical appeal as higher than it actually is. In fact men tend to inflate their perceived appeal all around, a proclivity which can lead to the misinterpretation of a woman’s romantic interest. Studies have shown that men commonly mistake women who are warm, and friendly as being sexually attracted to them. Whereas women on the other hand are more apt to write off a man who is attracted to her, as just being a warm and friendly, rather than being romantically interested in her. These gender skewed perspectives can easily lead to crossed romantic signals between men and women.

Fix: Be mindful of these inclinations when interacting with the opposite sex. Men, if you are interested in a woman and you can’t get a read on her you need to turn it up a notch, and let her know you are interested. Ladies, be mindful of the possibility that there may be more to his friendliness than meets the eye. If you are interested in him flirt with him and find out.


6)   Millions of people still in their reproductive years are taking antidepressants with selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors. In the United States, in 2004, sales of antidepressants were cited by Morais, to account for $14 billion dollars of wholesale pharmaceutical revenue. Use of these medications come at another price, the expense of ones romantic and sexual life. The use of serotonin enhancer’s has been reported to cause one or more forms of sexual dysfunction in as many as 73% percent of patients. These dysfunctions hinder sexual desire, lubrication, sexual arousal, genital sensation, erection, ejaculation and orgasm. In addition selective serotonin-reuptake inhibiting medications can cause weight gain, as well as cause emotional blunting.

However Dr. Helen Fisher proposes that serotonin enhancing medications can have a far more reaching effect on the neural correlates of the three primary brain systems for companionate love, male-female attachment, romantic love, sex drive, reproduction, courtship, mating, and pair formation. Serotonin enhancers  can not only jeopardize ones ability to fall in love, they can prevent them from being able to maintain a stable long term relationship, due to emotional blunting, and sexual dysfunction prohibiting essential biochemical bonding via intimacy and orgasm.The use of these medications can go so far as to literally sever romantic ties, and snuff out feelings for a long term partner, even in formerly happy relationships.

Use of such antidepressants can also negatively effect a woman’s fertility. “Serotonin increases prolactin levels by inhibiting dopamine activity and stimulating prolactin-releasing factors. Prolactin can impair fertility through several mechanisms, including suppressing hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone release, suppressing pituitary FSH and LG release, and suppressing ovarian hormone production.” (Hendrick, Gitlin Altshuler & Korenman, 2000) It should also be noted that clomipramine, a particularly strong serotonin-enhancing antidepressant, adversely affects sperm volume and motility, (Maier & Koinig 1994.)

Fix: Be cognizant of the ways in which serotonin-enhancers may be affecting your love life. Discuss medication options with your doctor. There are various antidepressants such as Wellbutrin, which have a very low incidence of sexual dysfunction. If you are already on, or going to go on an antidepressant with serotonin-enhancers make your loved ones aware of the potential side effects so they can inform you if they notice any of the aforementioned significant changes.

Written by Darlene Turner (c) 2011

November 4, 2010


Posted in anthropology, attraction, attractive, beauty, chemistry, Dating, desire, dysfunctional, fertility, health, intelligence, Love, Men, prejudice, psychology, Relationships, romance, Sex, sexy, sociology, Tips, Uncategorized, Women tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 6:38 pm by From Date To Mate

I haven’t always been blonde, nor did I ever harbor a deep desire to be. Truth be told I have always found raven tresses and light eyes to be the most beautiful of all the coloring combinations. When I was growing up women with dark hair seemed to be the sex symbol underdog in a beauty-scape of Malibu Barbie imagery. At 30 I decided it would be aesthetically best for me to go blonde. This was purely a choice premised upon practicality rather than a sudden desire for golden locks. Since going blonde I can’t say that I have found blondes have more fun than brunettes, but I have found blondes get noticed more, a discovery affirmed  by science. Blonde hair first appeared between 10-25 thousand years ago in Northern and Eastern Europe. According to anthropologist Peter Frost women with blonde hair had a competitive edge over their dark tress counterparts when vying for a male partner. Men found the rarity and brightness of blonde hair highly alluring. In a sea of brunettes on the market blondes stand out like shiny eye catching packaging. Given that even the whitest of toe heads find their vibrant blonde locks beginning to fade as they reach into their twenties it is no surprise that being blonde is associated with youthfulness. Youthfulness conveys fertility, which in turn translates into blonde haired lasses being the empress’s of feminine sex appeal. A girl need not go all out Marilyn Monroe blonde to have this polarizing effect on the opposite sex. Researchers have found that blonde highlights evoke the same allure.

Not everything about life in the blonde lane is golden, and soon after having turned I found out about the down side of life on the light side. Sans my hair color I was unchanged, yet I went from being treated as a bright brunette to an assumingly unintelligent piece of blonde eye candy. This was not some peroxide induced perceptual paranoia on my part,  social science researchers have found that people unconsciously alter the way in which they interact with blondes, due to exposure to societally ingrained stereotypical beliefs that blondes are less intelligent. At the University of Paris X-Nanterre men’s ability to complete general knowledge tests after having been exposed to women with different hair colors was examined. Throughout the double trials conducted male participants who were exposed to photos of blondes recorded the lowest scores. Thierry Meyer, joint author of the study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, and professor of social psychology at the university, concludes “This proves that people confronted with stereotypes generally behave in line with them. In this case blondes have the potential to make people act in a dumber way, because they mimic the unconscious stereotype of the dumb blonde.” This validates that my use of peroxide has not eroded my intelligence, but rather incites mimicry of stereotype associated stupidity in others.

I struggled adjusting to this foreign way of being perceived. Of course I could have easily gone back to my former, though less aesthetically suited dark chestnut hair color, or de-sexualized myself by getting a buzz cut and dressing in a sexually ambiguous fashion, but none of these options seemed a suitable solution to me. Never one to cow tow to society’s expectations my frustration lead to an uprising, inspiring my own form of blonde ambition! I decided to use my blonde locks to my advantage. Not in the sex symbol sense, but to glean insight about others through their treatment of me. My own social science study if you will. I decided to have fun with it! And fun in many forms I have had! When blonde bias causes others to perceive you as knowing the least, it presents you with a golden opportunity to learn the most. This approach has helped me separate the ethical from the unethical sales people, the savory from the unsavory suitors, as well as discerning which new people to befriend. At times I like to see the lengths of condescendence those with such prejudice will go to.

For example when I met my neighbor John for the first time it was clear from his spewing of uncensored thoughts that his was a strong personality. It was also instantly clear that he could not see beyond the surface of my blonde waves and ample bosom. I decided rather than jumping in and pointedly letting it be known that there was more to me, in this case it would be far more interesting to play the part of the assumed blonde stereotype in his presence. At gatherings he would dominate the conversation. I’d  just smile, nod and interject little, after all what would a blonde air head like me have to say anyway? I could not pass him on the street or at a social gathering without him blatantly commenting on my physical attractiveness. John had absolutely no qualms about telling the same recycled blonde jokes that have been told at nauseam. On such occasions I’d smile slightly and give a deliberately puzzled stare. All the while I was observing, and learning more about the personality dynamics that prompted his behavior. As time went on John seemed to take more and more of a liking to my persona of the pleasant, dumb, docile non-threatening blonde, and his remarks about my appeal to him became more and more charged. One night while giving my ex and I a tour of an old mansion he bought and was restoring he paused looked at me, then at my ex saying wow you are really one lucky bastard, I hate you. We were both quite startled by this pronouncement. Not too long after this incident John discovered that I was teaching courses at a local college, and asked me about it. I filled him on how one of the administrators had asked me to give a presentation to faculty and local entrepreneurs’ and had enjoyed it so much she asked me if I would teach some courses. I remember thinking to myself the gig is up, obviously the college wouldn’t hire a bumbling blonde idiot to educate their students. However much to my surprise this development did nothing to make him reevaluate his perception of me, a fact which I found astounding. On this note I decided to officially close the file on my experiment with John, and gradually faded him out of my life like the blonde from my roots.

Studies have shown that men around the globe, with the exception of Scandinavia, overwhelmingly find women with blonde tresses more desirable than women with brunette or red tresses. While society crowns blondes as glamorous, sexually alluring, youthful, fertile, more fun, the epitome of feminine sexuality, it simultaneously dethrones them by stereotyping blondes as dumb, naive, easy, air heads, devalued to nothing more than eye candy only offerings. What is the motivating force behind this behavior? One could argue that feeling threatened is what lies behind this dichotomy. Humans seem to have an intrinsic need to dismantle that which bestows power over us through idolization. The potent drive of sexual attraction has a powerful hardwired hold over men, leaving them knowingly at the mercy of their animal instincts. With their brain riding shotgun and their libido in the drivers seat, men become easy prey for manipulation, a disadvantage which creates resentment in some, particularly those most susceptible to being preyed upon. The motivating force behind the role women play in this social dynamic may lie in the fact that the truth is gentlemen really do prefer blondes. Given that the vast population of women around the world are brunettes perhaps explains from a competitive evolutionary stance why non-blonde women would have a vested interest perpetuating negative blonde stereotypes.

Clearly the roots of blonde bias stem from various motivations and thrive through the societally accepted perpetuation of asinine blonde stereotypes. Some of which are promoted in subtle ways. Like a commercial for toning sneakers in which a blonde woman is portrayed as having foolishly bought the wrong brand of inferior toning sneakers. She passes a hot man on a walking path who openly sneers at her choice in footwear, causing her to self consciously walk away. Moments later the man crosses paths with an obviously savvy brunette woman, smugly sporting the manufacturer’s brand of toning sneakers. The man rubber necks it in admiration as the brunette woman smirks and raises her nose in the air as she walks past. Sometimes the societally endorsed prejudice against blondes is not so subtle. While perusing hair care products at a local drug store I came across Bead Head’s “Dumb Blonde”  hair care product line by TIGI. I couldn’t help but wonder how a product line that referred to any other demographic as “Dumb” would go over. I doubt it would be well received. More aptly TIGI should have named their “Dumb Blonde” product line “Dumb Advertisers” for giving it such an inexcusably biased, ignorant name.

The attribute of being dumb is not one uniquely bestowed to blondes, it is equally distributed throughout every shade of hair color on the planet. For proof of this one need not look any further than public figures such as Snookie, Sara Palin, George Bush Jr., Bombshell Mcgee, Christine O’Donell, Sean Penn, Lindsey Lohan, Kayne West, Megan Fox and the list goes on. However blondes are the only ones marred by the prejudice of being unintelligent. Despite the fact that the world is mainly comprised of  non-blondes, meaning it is actually non-blondes who comprise the largest percentage of  the intellectually challenged throughout the world…Which begs the question, who are the dumb ones?

Darlene Turner

Relationship & Communication Expert

(c) 2010

October 15, 2010

Insight to Attraction in Hindsight….

Posted in advice, attraction, chemistry, Communication, Dating, depression, dysfunctional, health, help, intimacy, Love, Men, psychology, Relationships, romance, self-esteem, success, Tips, toxic, Uncategorized, Women tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 7:00 am by From Date To Mate

What did I ever see in him/her? We have all looked back upon someone we once romantically paired with, or harbored a mega crush on, and wondered what in the hell was I thinking? What did I ever find appealing about this person? The answer to this question is quite telling. You will find it reveals more about you than the former object of your ardor. Past attractions whether aberrant  or not, are like a mental snap shot of the head space you were in at that particular place in time in your life. How you feel about yourself, where you are in your growth process in terms of maturity, and changes in direction you’ve made on wrong turn diversions from healthy love, on your imprinted love map, all have a powerful impact on the romantic choices you make.

At fist glance back it may not be readily apparent, but every former Mr. or Mrs. Right, now stripped of their title and banished into EXdom offered you a learning opportunity. If you didn’t seize it chances are you ended up repeating the course with another, or will.

Darlene Turner

Relationship & Communication Expert

(c) 2010

Trazodone, Blood Thinners and Penile Amputation: What You Need To Know

Posted in advice, chemistry, depression, dysfunctional, health, help, Men, Sex, success, Tips, Uncategorized tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 6:49 am by From Date To Mate

While pharmaceutical companies vigorously promote the upside of their drugs there are serious downsides that you won’t hear a pitchman speed read at the end of their commercials. One of which noted recently being a drug interaction that can lead to penile amputation.  Rare as it may be I think most men would agree one man having to have his penis amputated is one too many. Especially if you are that man. As I am sure the 35-year-old man who was forced to undergo a penile amputation procedure, whose case was documented in the Primary Care Companion to The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry this year, would agree.

It was reported that the young man was taking 150 milligrams of the antidepressant  Trazodone at night for a sleep disorder, which occasionally he would double. Trazodone is the twelfth most prescribed psychiatric drug used by psychiatrists to aid patients with sleep disorders. The young man was also on a blood thinner due to a previous history of blood clots. After four hours of priapism the man sought help at a local hospital. Doctors there tried to alleviate his condition by attempting to drain the excess blood from the spongy tissues of the penis, using what is known as a Winter shunt. Unfortunately the procedure was not effective, and blot clots were formed.Two days later necrosis, the death of healthy tissue, appeared in the mans penis. After nearly a month of treatment, all attempts to save his penis had failed. The doctors had no choice but to perform a penile amputation on the young man.
Doctors at hospitals in Belgium and Germany who contributed to this entry in The Primary Care Companion to The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry warn doctors to closely monitor patients taking antidepressants such as Trazodone, who have a history of blood clots.

A tragic case like this serves as a sobering reminder that we as patients must proactively arm ourselves with knowledge. We cannot afford to blindly trust that doctors will without fail fully provide us with all of the relative information we need to know about the medications we put in our bodies. Nor can we blindly trust that the pharmaceutical companies, who give doctors financial incentives to prescribe their drugs, will provide full disclosure of all the potential risks involved with taking their medications. After all they are companies, and as recall rates suggest all too often it seems they have their bottom line, not your best interest in mind.

Darlene Turner

Relationship & Communication Expert

(c) 2010

October 8, 2010

The REAL Lowdown on Alcohol and Your Libido…

Posted in advice, attraction, attractive, bias, chemistry, Dating, desire, dysfunctional, health, help, intelligence, intimacy, libido, medical, Men, neuroscience, Sex, Tips, Uncategorized, Women tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 12:57 am by From Date To Mate

Breeders Remorse…

When you drink the reward areas of the brain known as the nucleus accumbens and ventral striatum, responsible for mediating sexual attraction, become superstimulated by dopamine. This release of dopamine makes you feel really good. Unfortunately it also makes those who otherwise would never strike you as such, appear to look really good. The compromising of cognitive abilities in this specific region of the brain are responsible for why people end up intimately engaged with those they would not normally even look at, let alone touch when stone cold sober. A word to the wise, be cautious of the company you keep when drinking or you may well awake in the morning with breeders remorse.

Alcohols Effect on Testosterone…

Even moderate alcohol consumption spikes testosterone levels in women. This spike may cause some women to become more easily aroused, and act in a more sexually aggressive, promiscuous manner. Unfortunately there are unscrupulous men, who are only too happy to seize the opportunity to pounce on you like prey when in this compromised state of mind. Yet another reason women need to be aware of exercising caution when they drink. A reminder to men, it is never wise to have casual sex with an intoxicated woman. Even if she seems willing, you still run the risk of putting yourself in a dangerously ambiguous date rape situation.

For men heavy use of alcohol creates potential risks of another kind.When men imbibe too much alcohol it actually causes their testosterone levels to plummet, suppressing production of testosterone in the testes. So why then you might wonder, is it that men still feel arousal and remain desirous of sex when drunk? This is thanks to a surge in a secondary luteinizing hormone, released as a means to stimulate testosterone production when levels become low. As many a highly inebriated man has discovered, no matter how deep his desire it cannot fuel the physiological functioning required to achieve and maintain an erection when chemically cock blocked by alcohol.The repercussions of impotence can have a devastating effect on a mans ego, and in some instances his sexual partners as well. Fortunately for most this is a temporary impairment, and not reflective of a mans erectile abilities when sober.

However, chronic heavy drinking can cause some very unattractive consequences to the sexual appeal of a man, beyond frequent impotence. Chronic heavy drinking can make a mans testicles actually shrivel up. It can also cause his hips to widen, pronounced breasts to develop, and make his chin grow smooth and plump up. These feminizing effects are the consequences of low testosterone levels, caused by prolonged heavy use of alcohol. Sadly for some men this aesthetic damage is permanent.

Darlene Turner

Relationship & Communication Expert

(c) 2010