March 8, 2011

Men Who Do It Porn Star Style Are Bores In Bed

Posted in Communication, intimacy, Love, Men, Porn, Relationships, Sex, Women tagged , , , , , , , , at 9:23 pm by From Date To Mate

Many men consume a diet of porn, whether consciously or unconsciously ingesting it as a how to guide to hot sex which unfortunately leaves them misinformed, desensitized and lacking the essential components that make for an unforgettable lover. To put it bluntly, anyone can fuck. From dogs to dolphins, it’s get in, get off, then pull out, with the same emotional disconnect that you find in porn. Sex in porn requires nothing more of men than an ability to get hard and stay hard for an extended time, and nothing more of women than an entry point, accompanied by theatrical moaning. What porn fails to depict is the ART of being an unforgettable lover, which requires far more than the ability to flip her six ways to Sunday while maintaining an erection.

Given its function, there is a reason why porn doesn’t delve into the arena of sensual artistry, save for those movies made by women for women. Men are visual creatures who when engaged in masturbatory fantasy tend not to attach elaborate plot lines, wrought with intricate nuances, and lengthy dialogue. Producers of porn know this, and that is why the action is ample and the plot lines succinct in their films. Contrary to the instantaneous arousal experienced by men, for women arousal and orgasm is a slower, more complex process. Which is why women who have difficulty achieving orgasm are taught to “sensually romance” themselves by setting the mood to induce an orgasmic frame of mind. Allow this to provide you with insight.

Seldom do you see deeply passionate, extended kissing in porn, or the prolonged sensual exploration of a lover’s body to discover hot spot erogenous zones. In adult films the erotic lead up to sex, the nuances, the art of teasing before pleasing, the sensuality, all of the  connections that set the stage for stellar sex, are absent. Men watching porn imagine being the man in film who gets the woman, having the stamina and “skills” to make the woman moan with unbridled ecstasy . Repetitive exposure to porn makes it easy for men to remove themselves from the reality that they are actually watching a movie. A movie with a script, and actors who are payed to play a role just as other actors.

A sex life diet consisting of porn star style sex, disconnected banging, and oral etc. when translated into real life has all the sensual appeal of a gynecological exam for most women. Male porn stars play the same note over and over again,

no matter the prelude or the stage setting. While this trite cord may suit XXX  films given their purpose, in real life such dry cut monotony translates into predictably tedious repetitious, emotionally distanced sex, rather than unforgettable mind blowing, emotionally engaged, teasingly tantalizing sex. An unforgettable lover’s repertoire is comprised of a symphony of sexually sensual notes, which he plays in tune with his partner. He knows her body because he has explored every last inch of it, and discovered what ignites her. He knows her fantasies because they have built a foundation of trust and intimacy that allows them to openly share and explore them together. An unforgettable lover knows that sexual pleasure is not separate, it is one.

I am not suggesting that every love making session has be on a bed of rose petals, set to a soundtrack, surrounded by candlelight, and end in tears of joy, or that it ever has to  involve any of those elements. What I am suggesting is that being an unforgettable lover requires connecting at a deeper level than sex. Heat of the moment animalistic sex should be a part of your lovemaking repertoire. Women do want to be “taken”, but in a way that makes them feel that you are fully present in the moment with them. And that, the moment was inspired by them on a deeper level than your erection.

Remember no one watches porn sitting on the edge of their seat in suspense wondering how the movie is going to end. Any man who emulates the mindless, disengaged sexual styling of a male porn star between the sheets makes for a very dull, very predictable, very forgettable lover. People remember how you make them feel. No woman wants to feel like a blow up doll prop, there only to assist her man with reaching the money shot.

by Darlene Turner